Columns Rows

Advanced Options [+]

Add placeholder info in table cells (checked)

Add a table header

Add custom font family and font sizes

Result code will be your table.

HTML Table result:

Header 1Header 2Header 3Header 4Header 5
Row:1 Cell:1Row:1 Cell:2Row:1 Cell:3Row:1 Cell:4Row:1 Cell:5
Row:2 Cell:1Row:2 Cell:2Row:2 Cell:3Row:2 Cell:4Row:2 Cell:5
Row:3 Cell:1Row:3 Cell:2Row:3 Cell:3Row:3 Cell:4Row:3 Cell:5
Row:4 Cell:1Row:4 Cell:2Row:4 Cell:3Row:4 Cell:4Row:4 Cell:5
Row:5 Cell:1Row:5 Cell:2Row:5 Cell:3Row:5 Cell:4Row:5 Cell:5
Row:6 Cell:1Row:6 Cell:2Row:6 Cell:3Row:6 Cell:4Row:6 Cell:5

What can this tool do?

This HTML Table Generator allows you to create tables on the fly without having to write all that code.

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